Broek voor SL tuig heeft 1 lenderiem;
Kan zowel in enkelspan als in tweespan worden gebruikt.
Kleur Zwart
Maat Mini (76 cm), Shetlander ( 90 cm), Small Pony ( 101 cm)
NB standaard zonder broekriemen en (korte) strengendragers
Breeching is essentially part of the braking system for the harness. It is fitted around the rear end of the horse. As the horse slows, it uses the breeching to provide a means with which to hold the vehicle from running on. Breeching is not generally used on leader horses (in tandem or team), as this function is taken care of by the wheeler horses. Some drivers also choose not to use breeching where the vehicle is very light and/or has very efficient braking systems – particularly on modern vehicles with disk brakes. SL breeching is an elegantly styled, lightweight breeching with a single hip strap.
The smooth padded breeching seat is 60mm (2 1/2″) wide, while the hip strap is 12mm (1/2″) wide.
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